Internet pornography is pornography that is distributed via the Internet, primarily via websites, peer-to-peer file sharing, or Usenet newsgroups. While pornography had been traded over the Internet since the 1980s, it was the invention of the World Wide Web in 1991 as well as the opening of the Internet to the general public around the same time that led to an explosion in online pornography.
Like videotapes and DVDs, the Internet has proven popular for distributing pornography because it allows people to view pornography (essentially) anonymously in the comfort and privacy of their homes. It also allows access to pornography by people whose access is otherwise restricted for legal or social reasons.
Like videotapes and DVDs, the Internet has proven popular for distributing pornography because it allows people to view pornography (essentially) anonymously in the comfort and privacy of their homes. It also allows access to pornography by people whose access is otherwise restricted for legal or social reasons.
1 comment:
I'm against pornography. This is an industry that has turn in into employment to many people around the world. This is a huge industry in IT era. How ever a 'tight' real tight control must be imposed especially to minors. Imagine when 'Playboy" started by Hugh Hefner (founder) the whole world society were against him. What happened now? It is acceptable world wide!
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