We all know apple is running innovative strategy to spellbound customers and we admire that
True innovation based company Apple launched a new product that is iphone 3g (http://www.apple.com/iphone/) and they are claiming iphone 3g twice as fast . half the price. They also stated, “ you will get phone, ipod, internet in one fast 3g device. Starting at $199.”
Some of my friends are getting crazy about this new iphone 3g. Thanks to apple and their marketing team, they have really done a great job. They have created this image. But think what will happen if you buy the product and after that you find you are not getting your expected service. Now you can say “ bull shit” but you cannot get rid of your contract. So it’s better to know the real facts before buying this miracle phone. Techtree news staff (9th august, 2008) from India (http://www.techtree.com/India/News/10_Reasons_Why_You_Should_Hate_the_iPhone/551-92001-615.html) brought some reasons. Why people should hate the iPhone.
1. You can only sync music and video through iTunes:
True innovation based company Apple launched a new product that is iphone 3g (http://www.apple.com/iphone/) and they are claiming iphone 3g twice as fast . half the price. They also stated, “ you will get phone, ipod, internet in one fast 3g device. Starting at $199.”
Some of my friends are getting crazy about this new iphone 3g. Thanks to apple and their marketing team, they have really done a great job. They have created this image. But think what will happen if you buy the product and after that you find you are not getting your expected service. Now you can say “ bull shit” but you cannot get rid of your contract. So it’s better to know the real facts before buying this miracle phone. Techtree news staff (9th august, 2008) from India (http://www.techtree.com/India/News/10_Reasons_Why_You_Should_Hate_the_iPhone/551-92001-615.html) brought some reasons. Why people should hate the iPhone.
1. You can only sync music and video through iTunes:
Want to drag-and-drop content from your hard-drive? Would like to sync music from another store -- from Amazon, for example? You are out of luck.
2. You can only install apps through iTunes:
Never before has a cellphone maker slammed the door to an open development enviornment and received nothing but praise for doing so. Imagine Microsoft creating a gated software ecosystem and installing themselves as the gatekeeper. They would be eaten alive by the press. Apple gets a free pass.
3. Apple deletes useful applications:
Nullriver's modem app went to the grave with no reason stated. Apple's digital business is dependent on the music and movie industry's whims. How long before the industry dictates which applications we can run?
4. Apple might not accept apps which might be detrimental to its own business:
We won't hold our breath for competitive products to appear on the iPhone anytime soon.
5. You can only run one third-party application at a time:
An instant messenger that runs in the background and collects messages while you are away? Not happening.
6. Apple might not allow app vendors to open up their apps:
The terms of the NDA that potential application developers for the iPhone need to sign, effectively restrict redistribution of the source. Apple has created OSX on the back of FreeBSD; Safari on KHTML, SproutCore library used in MobileMe, and now they have built a layer on top that excludes others. Nik at TechCrunchIT laments that "the same community who demand all from Microsoft, feel gifted and special when Apple give them an inch of rope... Applications can only be installed from a single source, iTunes, and open source applications and distribution is near impossible. How do you install an iPhone application without iTunes? Where are the community advocates arguing for a standard interface, openess and free code?"
7. Limited Bluetooth use:
The iPhone 3G has Bluetooth 2.0 with EDR but can you transfer files over Bluetooth? Does it support A2DP? Stereo Bluetooth? No on all counts. As of now, all you get from Bluetooth are headset voice calls, and that's it.
8. No copy-paste:
This might be more of an interface issue that Apple is seeking to solve, than anything else. But it only underlines the drawbacks of a walled garden. If development was as open as say, it is on the Palm platform -- you would have a hundred different solutions by now, and at least one you could actually use. This also underlines how much the innovative spirit is killed by a controlled development environment. The iPhone ecosystem doesn't encourage software tinkering and probably won't spur garage breakthroughs that drive the industry forward.
9. No MMS :
While you can e-mail photos, multimedia messaging is absent from the device. And speaking of videos...
10. No video recording:
In the world of YouTube, the iPhone 3G does not offer video recording.
11. No voice command:
For a touch-screen-only phone, voice controls would have been a huge plus for hands-free or one-handed control. Can we expect this functionality to be added by a third-party app?
12. Hardware locked to carriers:
You cannot use any SIM card with this GSM device. How stupid is that? Hello monopolies, goodbye competition. Thanks to carrier lock-in when the phone launches in India, the iPhone 3G might not even enjoy 3G until months afterwards. How do you like them apples?
Dan Frommer. (August 05, 2008, 12.40 am) reported a very good news stating a headline
Dan Frommer. (August 05, 2008, 12.40 am) reported a very good news stating a headline
“Steve Jobs: MobileMe "Not Up To Apple's Standards," Vows To Fix (AAPL)”
Apple has already apologized publicly to its MobileMe customers for the email/syncing service's flakiness -- including, for some, lost email. Now it's privately admitting its mistakes and moving on -- but not without casualty.
In an internal email leaked to Ars Technica, Apple (AAPL) boss Steve Jobs allegedly admits that MobileMe is "not up to Apple's standards," and that launching it at the same time as the iPhone 3G and the iTunes App Store was "a mistake."
And it looks like someone is going to pay for it: In a reorg of sorts, Jobs announced the project will now fall under iTunes exec Eddie Cue, who will now oversee iTunes, the App Store, and MobileMe, as Apple's Vice President of Internet Services, according to Daring Fireball's John Gruber. We assume this means someone (or multiple people) got shown the door. (Know more? Drop us a line.)
"The MobileMe launch clearly demonstrates that we have more to learn about Internet services," Jobs wrote. "And learn we will. The vision of MobileMe is both exciting and ambitious, and we will press on to make it a service we are all proud of by the end of this year."
Admitting that MobileMe is a dog is the right move, and we also wouldn't be surprised if Steve Jobs or Apple made another public statement about MobileMe's botched launch.
And while MobileMe now has a soiled reputation -- including a rare bad review from Wall Street Journal tech reviewer Walt Mossberg -- we still think it has potential to be a long-term success. If the mobile Internet becomes anywhere near as important as it's hyped, everyone is going to need a personal over-the-air email/calendar/contacts synching service. For iPhone owners, once Apple irons out the quirks, there's no reason it couldn't/shouldn't be MobileMe.
Following that apple is not considering LINUX as their parent operating system because WINDOWS is the best platform for HACKERS and VIRUS. When Linux is winning the ultra portable PC market, they (APPLE) are not considering it warm heartedly.
Finally I want to conclude with this report where a user of iPhone sharing her horrible experience about iphone. Walter S. Mossberg. (July 08, 2008) stating a heading-
“with Newer, faster , cheaper Iphone 3g”
(source : http://ptech.allthingsd.com/20080708/newer-faster-cheaper-iphone-3g/ )
Apple claims that over 3G, the new iPhone can get five hours of talk time, or five hours of Internet use. Talk time is twice as long on the older EDGE network, and Internet time is an hour better with Wi-Fi.
Apple claims that over 3G, the new iPhone can get five hours of talk time, or five hours of Internet use. Talk time is twice as long on the older EDGE network, and Internet time is an hour better with Wi-Fi.
I ran my own battery tests using the phone’s 3G capability. Although I left the Wi-Fi function on, I didn’t connect it to a network, so the phone had to rely on 3G. In my test of voice calling, I got 4 hours and 27 minutes, short of Apple’s maximum claim and nearly three hours less than what I recorded in the same test last year on the original iPhone..
More important, in daily use, I found the battery indicator on the new 3G model slipping below 20% by early afternoon or midafternoon on some days, and it entirely ran out of juice on one day.
The iPhone 3G’s battery life is comparable to, or better than, that of some other 3G competitors. But they have replaceable batteries. The iPhone doesn’t.
While you can have both personal and Exchange email accounts on the new iPhone, if you synchronize with Exchange calendars and contacts, your personal calendar and contacts are erased.
So if you want to lose your money please buy it, if not then please wait for few days while Apple will resolve their problems and you can get your dream iphone.
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